When Disney sought to launch their sequel film Ralph Breaks the Internet, we were inspired by one of the most famous internet breaking memes of all time.

We quickly built this prototype to pitch filmmakers at Disney Animation Studios an idea for Ralph to Rick Roll audiences.

Wreck it Ralph Rick Astley - side-by-side-high.gif

Feeling inspired, the filmmakers decided to recreate a shot-for-shot version of John C. Riley as Ralph performing Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up music video.

Even the legend, Rick Astley himself had fun with the idea.

Below is the final end result, a tease integrated into the end credits of the film promising audiences a special sneak peak of the highly-anticipated Frozen 2. Instead they totally got Ralph Rolled.


Our next goal for the campaign was to help build anticipation with a social activation called Wreck URSelfie—powered by Google Cloud Vision technology and developed by our friends at Jam3—we turned your selfie into a real-time Netizen character from the film, making you the star of a shareable Disney character photobomb.


This mobile experience allows users to create, customize and take a selfie of a Netizen from the Ralph Breaks the Internet universe. We use webGL and Google CloudVision to detect users' features and serve them a similarly styled Netizen character. Face tracking allows users to pose with featured Disney characters from the movie, creating a fun sharable photobomb moment.

Wreck It Ralph 2

Project Role
Creative Direction

Disney Animation Studios

Hollywood Reporter


Waymo Pet


Nissan Star Wars